Thursday, September 29, 2011

The latest in an effort to take away our most precious right….the right to choose who governs us.

Imagine that it's November 5th, 2012. You walk into the voting booth and see this beautiful, new, computerized voting system. It's easy to understand, touch screen, and much more advanced than those other, antiquated voting machines. You select your candidates based on your own heart felt, personal convictions, and leave the voting precinct with a sense of pride and hope that the individuals who represent your views will win. However, unbeknownst to you, a computer virus placed in the voting machine has changed all of your selections to those of some other party. A party that opposes the things you care about and represent and registers these false selections as your vote! This isn't a science fiction movie people, this is the reality of the days that we live in. Voter suppression has been rampant since and right before the election of President Obama and could be a deciding factor in next year's election. From address change stipulations in Florida that could prevent you from voting to a bill in Wisconsin requiring the use of a particular state ID thus alienating thousands of young, and potentially liberal voters, Republicans are stopping at nothing to defeat President Obama and the Democrats. And now we have this. Please watch the video above to see how this is being carried out. Don't get scared, get angry.

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