Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Right on Point....

Not sure, who this person is, but they left comments on Crooks and Liars in regard to a certain link(click the picture) and the comments were right on point. Please click the picture to read the article. The comments are at the bottom of the article. Hers are titled TODAY'S TERRORISTS REPUBLICANS ARE AMERICA'S ENEMY WITHIN posted 7/26 at 12:03pm.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just listen to this.....what else is he supposed to be doing?

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Just listen to the President. How can you work with someone who just says no? Even when you give them MORE than what they ask for. Get on the right side and stay on it, folks.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Don't be fooled....Classic Mis-direction......

Don't be fooled people. This is how they get the heat off of them. Stay steadfast and hold them accountable. Don't get caught up in this attempt to make you turn your head. Hold these crooks accountable! The harder they try to get you to look away, the more crimes they have to cover up! Click the picture to see the story.

Monday, July 18, 2011

He's doing what you asked him to do........

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Another press conference....Just what all the Obama haters have been asking for. Pay attention to what he says in this recap in the first 3 minutes. Pay attention to how smart this guy is and how he is essentially telling you to not vote for these thugs because they are using you to blackmail the country to get the things they want for rich America. All the things people have been screaming for him to say, just in a much smarter and focused manner. Yet, still no one or group is stepping up to support him. Nobody.

Again. Just common sense.....

Folks, click on the picture above to hear some good old fashioned common sense, regardless of what your religion is. This is really the bottom line summed up in 2 minutes.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

For those waiting to see fire out of our President....

The section Cantor vs. Obama is of particular interest. These are the things we don't see behind closed doors. The things we are asking from our President. The things that the Republicans and mainstream media don't want us to see, but leaked it this time because they thought it would be viewed more as a negative than a positive. Take a read for yourself and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011



Say what you want about Al Sharpton, but he does not mix matters when it comes to speaking up on issues he believes in. The above interview is no exception. This is the kind of dialogue we SHOULD have been seeing from so-called Democrats. Exposing the hypocrisy and lies t0 the Republican's faces and in front of a national audience. I hope MSNBC doesn't shut him down as this goes against their own interest and the line they walk of trying to make the common person think they are speaking to/for them and their own corporate stronghold. Good for you, Reverend.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Any Teachers Out there...you may want to watch this.


Rare that we get to see the master plan without any adulteration. Check this gem out, especially if you work in Education or with unions.

The New Jim Crow......


Michelle Alexander has a new book out called The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of ColorBlindness and judging from the above video it looks dead on. Check out her overview and Q and A on the new book. The link to the book is below:


Evisceration of the Middle Class...especially the Black Middle Class...


This is very , very interesting. I didn't realize the divide between the black middle class and white middle class was so great. Good information here that's worth a few minutes of sit down time.

Live Press Conference with President Obama on the economy....


UPDATED: The press conference is over. Here is the full video:


Friday, July 8, 2011

Compton B-Ball Player Wins $40K, Gives It Away To Other Contestants


Money isn't everything......just ask this young man. This article speaks for itself. Anybody seen this anywhere? I bet you haven't because our news doesn't show acts of Compassion unless it's two dogs licking each others' paws or some other cheesy, insignificant example.

Do you love GOOD House Music?

Do you like good House Music? Check my man, Da JolliRocka, out. One of the best House DJs in the NY area. The link above is his 4th of July run down, but he does a live stream on Thursdays from 8-10pm and Saturdays 6-10pm at www.soulfulhousemusiccollage.com. You can also check out some of his stuff at www.jollirocka.com. Check him out. I guarantee you will be hooked!

What's it going to take?


This is further proof that there is indeed a Matrix and that indeed 95% of us are plugged into it. How do you know this and still fall victim to it? How do you see the train coming toward you on the track, only to push the gas pedal down harder and let it take you head on? The fact that this has been in the public sphere for this long without any uproar is in itself proof of the mass hypnosis being performed on society. Let's wake up folks and wake the person next to us up! if we don't, we and our descendants will be in a nighmare that we won't be able to wake up from.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just the facts, GOPers.....

The link above gives 10 reasons why Ronald Reagan, the poster child for the Republican party, would not be elected today and would probably be kicked out of the Republican party. All based on facts and not speculations. All based on the very critiques and criticisms being levied against the current President. This is very interesting and definitely worth a read or comment.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gov. Christie is a Republican, Democrats. Why do you keep falling for the same garbage?

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

LinkTalk about scum. Check out the tactics republicans, namely Gov. Christie of New Jersey, are resorting to in efforts to get their legislation passed and impose their warped view of reality on us all.

Where do you think this is heading.....?


Misjudgement? Miscalculation? Devious plot? You be the judge. Georgia's new immigration bill essentially ran all of the illegal immigrants out of the state with fields overflowing with crops to be harvested. Now they want to replace that labor with ex-cons and parolees to pick the cotton, fruit, and other crops. Check this article out and tell me what you think....

We're Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to fire the bloggin' machine back up after a long departure. Let's get the dialog going, people. Let's open each other's minds and hearts. Let's make life better for ourselves and those around us! More content to come........